Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I have made just over $100.00, this week!!!...

...With Weegy and IMShopping !!
Not bad for a little bit of my time, doing fun jobs, both of which are very easy.

Both jobs are answering questions, yet both are very different.

Weegy - questions come in live, about any and all subjects, and you answer them. Lately, there have been a lot of homework questions (yes, you can look up the answers!), and relationship advice questions.

IMShopping - all questions are shopping related. People looking for products, and often the best deals. You look up the products, and make your recommendations. For instance, someone was looking for a particular necklace. I found several variations on google, and recommended them.

If you are looking to make some extra money online, while having fun, I highly recommend you sign up for Weegy and IMShopping right away!

Wishing you all success, making money online, legitimately!


  1. wow thats great :) i wish i can sign up that site, but we have just unlimited offers i think,

  2. Wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog. Your blog is a great resource for those looking to make legitimate money on line. I'm following you also!
    Take care

  3. That's great! IMShopping sounds fun! I might check it out.

  4. Thank you for the comments!

    Wishing you all success,
